Sunday, June 9, 2013

Smart Girls Get What They Want

Gigi, Neerja, and Bea have been best friends since kindergarten. They do everything together, and they're three of the smartest girls in their class.  Maybe they aren't the most popular girls in school--ok, most people don't even know who they are--but they aren't too worried about it.  They know the real fun will start in college.

But something happens to show them that maybe they are missing out on too much by not participating in high school life, and they make a plan.  They are the smartest girls in school, and there's no reason they can't have everything they want including grades, athletics, arts, student government, and maybe even cute guys!

Join these three friends on their journey to get the most out of life as they realize smart girls may not know everything, but they can get what they want if they put their minds to it.

This is Sarah Strohmeyer's first book for YA's, and it's a great ride through high school and teen romance.

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