Thursday, January 3, 2013

Game Changers

Ben McBain is the guy you want on your team!  He can be a star in any position, but he really wants to play quarter back.  For Ben it's not about being a star player (even though he is one); it's about being part of a team and being loyal to your friends.  Despite all this, he can't ever get his coach's attention.  No matter how great his tryout is, all they can see is his size.  Ben may have his dad's football skills, but he inherited his mother's size.

This year won't be any different now that his new coach also happens to be the father of the other guy trying out for quarter back.  Ben isn't really surprised when Shawn gets the quarter back position again even though his last season was really uneven.  After all, his dad is the coach and a former pro quarter back.  But Shawn has a bad attitude and holds himself apart from the team.

When Shawn chokes at the first few games, Ben's dreams of a winning season are challenged.  Despite his frustrations, Ben decides to help Shawn for the good of the team.  Ben may be loyal to Shawn and the team, but will be Shawn be loyal to Ben when it counts?  And will the Rams be able to pull off a winning season after all?

This is the first book in a new series by one of our favorite sports writers, Mike Lupica, so there will be more to come from Ben and his friends!

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